
図書館 基本洋図書

 最初の洋図書の基本図書 (基本洋図書) は、図書分類の分野ごとに、専門の教授・ユニット責任者、図書館委員、図書係の方々のご協力を得て進め、2006年 (平成18年) 3月の図書館委員会で決定しました。
 基本洋図書は、学内外の教育・研究・診療動向の変化に伴い、定期的に見直すことが必要であり、現在のリストは、2017年 (平成29年) 12月の図書館委員会で改訂したものです。

No. 書名 責任表示 出版者 出版日付 請求記号
1 Gray's anatomy : the anatomical basis of clinical practice. 42st ed. Standring, S. Churchill Livingstone 2021 QS4||G790h
2 Clinically oriented anatomy. 8th ed. Moore, K.L. et al. Wolters Kluwer 2019 QS4||Mo390f
3 Atlas of anatomy. 3rd ed. Gilroy, A.M. Thieme 2016 QS4||Sc80.1b
4 Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy 17th ed. Paulsen, F. et al. Urban & Fischer 2011 QS4||So120.1g
5 Histology : a text and atlas: with correlated cell and molecular biology. 9th ed. Pawlina, W. Wolters Kluwer 2024 QS504||R730e
6 Langman's Medical Embryology. 15th ed. Sadler, T.W. Wolters Kluwer 2024 QS604||L260j
7 Clinical head and neck anatomy for surgeons. Brennan, P.A. CRC Press 2016 WE700||B720
1 Medical physiology : a cellular and molecular approach. 3rd ed. Boron, W.F. Elsevier 2017 QT4||B650b
2 Ganong's review of medical physiology. 26th ed. Barrett, K.E. McGraw-Hill 2019 QT4||G190a
3 Physiology. 7th ed. Berne, R.M. Elsevier 2017 QT4||P572f
4 Textbook of medical physiology. 14th ed Hall, J.E. Elsevier 2021 QT104||G980i
5 Guyton and Hall physiology review. 4th ed. Hall, J.E. Elsevier 2021 QT104||G980.2a
6 Space physiology and medicine. 4th ed. Nicogossian, A.E. Saunders 2016 WD752||N710
1 Harper's illustrated biochemistry. 32nd ed. Rodwell, V.W McGraw-Hill 2023 QU4||H330b
2 Lehninger principles of biochemistry. 8th ed. Nelson, D.L. W.H. Freeman 2017 QU4||L520.1g
3 Biochemistry. 9th ed. Berg, J.M. W.H. Freeman 2021 QU4||St80g
4 Introduction to protein science : architecture, function, and genomics. 3rd ed. Lesk, A.M. Oxford University Press 2016 QU55||L560b
1 Basic and clinical pharmacology. 15th ed. Katzung, B.G. McGraw-Hill 2021 QV4||B260f
2 Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 14th ed. Brunton, L.L. McGraw-Hill 2023 QV4||G650l
3 Rang and Dale's pharmacology. 10th ed. Ritter. J.M. Elsevier 2023 QV4||R150c
4 Principles of pharmacology : the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy. 4th ed. Golan, D.E. Wolters Kluwer 2017 QV38||G590a
1 Koneman's color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology. 7th ed. Procop, G.W. LWW 2017 QW4||C840c
2 Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's medical microbiology. 28th ed. Stefan Riedel ... McGraw-Hill 2019 QW4||B760g
3 Manual of clinical microbiology. 13th ed. Carroll, K.C. ASM Press 2023 QW4||Ma480i
4 Review of medical microbiology and immunology. 16th ed Levinson, W. McGraw-Hill 2020 QW4||L570e
5 Microbiology : a laboratory manual. 12th ed. Cappuccino, J.G. Pearson 2019 QW4||C160c
6 Molecular genetics of bacteria. 5th ed Snyder, L. ASM Press 2020 QW4||Sm90c
7 Molecular medical microbiology. 3rd ed. Tang, Yi-Wei Academic Press 2023 電子ブック
8 Bergey's manual of systematics of archaea and bacteria. Wiley 電子ブック (最新版)
9 Topley and Wilson's microbiology and microbial infections. 10th ed. Collier, L. Arnold 2005 QW4||To650c
1 Cellular and molecular immunology. 10th ed. Abbas, A.K. Saunders 2022 QW504||A110g
2 Immunology. 9th ed. Male, D.B. Saunders 2021 QW504||R620.2f
1 Manson's tropical diseases. 24th ed. Farrar, J. Elsevier 2023 WC680||Ma470c
1 Medical laboratory science review. 5th ed. Harr, R.R. F.A. Davis Company 2019 QY18.2||H340a
2 Clinical chemistry : principles, techniques, correlations. 9th ed. Bishop, M. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2023 QY90||B470a
3 Hutchison's clinical methods : an integrated approach to clinical practice. 25th ed. Glynn, M. Elsevier 2023 WB141||Sw30d
4 Bate's guide to physical examination and history taking. 13th ed. Bickley, L. S. Wolters Kluwer 2021 WB205||B410d
1 Anderson's pathology. 10th ed. Damjanov, I. Mosby 1996 QZ4||P271e
2 Rubin's pathology : clinicopathologic foundations of medicine. 8th ed. Strayer, D.S. Wolters Kluwer 2019 QZ4||P273g
3 Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease. 10th ed. Kumar, V. Saunders 2021 QZ4||R510.2h
4 Robbins & Kumar basic pathology 11th ed. Kumar, V. Elsevier 2023 QZ4||R510h
5 Core pathology. 3rd ed. Stevens, A. Mosby 2009 QZ4||St50a
6 Rosai and Ackerman's surgical pathology. 11th ed. Rosai, J. Elsevier 2018 WO142||A150h
7 Muir's textbook of pathology. 16th ed. Herrington, C.S. CRC Press 2020 QZ4||Mu220g
8 Underwood's pathology : a clinical approach. 7th ed. Cross, S.S. Elsevier 2019 QZ4||U750c
9 Mills and strenberg's diagnostic surgical pathology. 7th ed. Mills, S.E. Wolters Kluwer 2022 WO142||D710e
1 Forensic pathology : principles and practice. Dolinak, D. Academic Press 2005 W700||D840
2 Knight's forensic pathology. 4th ed. Knight, B. CRC Press 2016 W700||Kn30.1b
1 Environmental and occupational medicine. 4th ed. Rom, W.N. LWW 2006 WA100||E640b
2 Oxford textbook of global public health. 7th ed. Detels, R. Oxford University Press 2022 WA100||O930e
3 Modern epidemiology. 4th ed. Timothy L. Lash Wolters Kluwer 2021 WA105||R740.1a
4 Wallace/Maxcy-Rosenau-Last public health & preventive medicine. 16th ed. Wallace, R.B. McGraw Hill 2022 WA110||Ma970e
5 Clay's handbook of environmental health. 22nd ed. Battersby, S. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2022 WA100||B260c
1 Harrison's principles of internal medicine. McGraw-Hill 電子ブック (最新版)
2 Goldman-Cecil medicine. 27th ed. Goldman, L. Saunders 2023 WB115||C280o
3 Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil essentials of medicine. 9th ed. Benjamin, I.J. Saunders 2016 WB115||C280.1g
1 Stroke recovery and rehabilitation. 2nd ed. Joel, M.D. Demos Medical Pub 2015 WL356||St30
2 Parkinson's disease & movement disorders. 6th ed. Jankovic, J. LWW 2015 WL359||P240b
3 Pediatric rehabilitation : principles and practice. 6th ed. Kevin P. Murphy Springer Company, LLC 2021 WS368||A410a
1 Infectious diseases. 4th ed. Cohen, J. Mosby 2017 WC100||C830b
2 Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases. 9th ed. Bennett, J.E. Saunders 2020 WC100||P930g
3 Principles and practice of clinical virology. 6th ed. John Wiley & Sons 2008 電子ブック
1 The metabolic and molecular bases of inherited disease. McGraw-Hill 電子ブック (最新版)
1 Firestein & Kelley's textbook of rheumatology 11th ed. Firestein, G.S. Elsevier 2020 WE544||Te930j
2 Dubois' lupus erythematosus and related syndromes. 9th ed. Wallace, D. Saunders 2019 WR152||D810c
3 EULAR textbook on rheumatic diseases. 2nd ed. Bijlsma, W.J. BMJ 2015 WE544||E830
1 Campbell's operative orthopaedics. 14th ed. Azar. F. M. Elsevier 2021 WE168||C140i
1 Respiratory medicine. 3rd ed. Gibson, G.J. Saunders 2003 WF100||R280a
2 Murray & Nadel's textbook of respiratory medicine 7th ed. Broaddus, V.C. Saunders 2022 WF100||Te930f
3 Crofton and Douglas's respiratory diseases. 5th ed. John Wiley & Sons 2000 電子ブック
4 Textbook of pulmonary diseases. 7th ed. Crapo, J.D. LWW 2004 WF600||B280d
1 Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes cardiac surgery. 4th ed. Kouchoukos, N.T. Saunders 2013 WG169||Ki540
2 Fuster & Hurst's the heart. 15th ed. Fuster, V. McGraw-Hill 2022 WG200||H510m
3 Braunwald's heart disease : a textbook of cardiovascular medicine. 12th ed. Peter Libby Saunders 2022 WG200||H512k
1 Williams hematology. 10th ed. Kaushansky, K. McGraw-Hill 2021 WH100||H520j
2 Color atlas of clinical hematology. 5th ed. Hoffbrand, .V. John Wiley & Sons 2019 WH100||H811c
3 Wintrobe's clinical hematology. 15th ed. Greer, J.P. Wolters Kluwer 2024 WH100||W770i
4 Textbook of malignant haematology. 2nd ed. Degos, L. Martin Dunitz 2005 WH120||D530a
5 Thomas' hematopoietic cell transplantation. 5th ed. Forman, S.J. Wiley Blackwell 2016 WH380||Th50b
6 Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's cancer, principles & practice of oncology. 12th ed. DeVita, V.T. Jr. Wolters Kluwer 2023 QZ200||C151g
1 Yamada's Textbook of gastroenterology. 7th ed. Wang, T.C. John Wiley & Sons 2022 電子ブック
2 Bockus gastroenterology. 5th ed. Haubrich, W.S. Saunders 1995 WI100||B610c
3 Sleisenger and Fordtran's gastrointestinal and liver disease : pathophysiology, diagnosis, management. 11th ed. Feldman, M. Saunders 2021 WI100||F170e
4 Zakim and Boyer's hepatology : a textbook of liver disease. 7th ed. Sanyal, A.J. Elsevier 2018 WI700||H521f
5 Schiff's diseases of the liver. 12th ed. Schiff, E.R. Wiley Blackwell 2018 WI700||Sc30h
6 Sherlock's diseases of the liver and biliary system. 13th ed. Dooley, J. John Wiley & Sons 2018 電子ブック
1 Campbell-Walsh urology. 12th ed. Alan W. Partin Elsevier 2021 WJ100||C140h
2 Smith & Tanagho's general urology 19th ed. McAninch, J.W. McGraw-Hill 2020 WJ100||Sm50||19
3 Brenner & Rector's the kidney. 11th ed. Skorecki, K. Elsevier 2020 WJ300||B720j
4 Renal and electrolyte disorders. 8th ed. Schrier, R.W. Wolters Kluwer 2018 WJ300||R270c
5 Heptinstall's pathology of the kidney. 8th ed. Jennette, J.C. LWW 2024 WJ300||H520e
6 Replacement of renal function by dialysis. 5th ed. Horl, W.H. Kluwer Academic 2003 WJ378||H890
1 Bloodworth's endocrine pathology. 3rd ed. Lechago, J. LWW 1997 WK100||E590a
2 Clinical endocrinology. 2nd ed. Grossman, A. Blackwell Science 1998 WK100||G880a
3 Endocrinology adult and pediatric. 7th ed. Jameson, J.L. Saunders 2015 WK100||E591e
4 Endocrinology and metabolism. 4th ed. Felig, P. McGraw-Hill 2001 WK100||E592b
5 Williams textbook of endocrinology. 14th ed. Melmed, S. Saunders 2020 WK100||Te930j
6 Joslin's diabetes mellitus. 14th ed. Kahn, C.R. Lea & Febiger 2005 WK810||J780c
1 Adams and Victor's principles of neurology. 12th ed. Ropper, A.H. McGraw-Hill 2023 WL100||A160i
2 Greenfield's neuropathology. 9th ed. Love, S. CRC Press 2015 WL100||G820f
3 The human nervous system. 3rd ed. Paxinos, G. Elsevier 2012 WL100||H980b
4 Merritt's neurology. 14th ed. Elan D. Louis Wolters Kluwer 2022 WL100||Me670h
5 Principles of neural science. 6th ed. Kandel, E. McGraw-Hill 2021 WL100||P930c
6 Neuroscience : exploring the brain. 4th ed. Bear, M.F. LWW 2016 WL300||B310a
7 Peripheral neuropathy. 4th ed. Dyck, P.J. Saunders 2005 WL500||P420b
1 Neurosurgery : the scientific basis of clinical practice. 3rd ed. Crockard, A. Blackwell Science 2000 WL368||C930
2 Schmidek and Sweet operative neurosurgical techniques : indications, methods, and results. 7th ed. Quinones-Hinojosa, A. Elsevier 2022 WL368||Sc50c
3 Youmans & Winn neurological surgery. 8th ed. Winn, H.R. Elsevier 2023 WL368||Y940d
4 Neurosurgery. 2nd ed. Wilkins, R.H. McGraw-Hill 2000 発注中
1 Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5-TR. 5th ed. American Psychiatric Association American Psychiatric Association 2022 WM15||D710c
2 Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. 11th ed. Boland, R.J. Wolters Kluwer 2025 WM100||F460i
3 New oxford textbook of psychiatry. 3rd ed. John R. Geddes Oxford University Press 2020 WM100||G330c
1 Atlas of normal roentgen variants that may simulate disease. 9th ed. Keats, T.E. Saunders 2013 WN17||Ke130c
1 Transplantation of the liver. 3rd ed. Busuttil, R.W. Saunders 2015 WI770||B950a
2 Sabiston textbook of surgery : the biological basis of modern surgical practice. 21th ed. Townsend, C.M. Jr. Elsevier 2022 WO100||C580l
3 Mulholland & Greenfield's surgery : scientific principles & practice 7th ed. Mulholland, M.W. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2021 WO100||G820e
4 Fischer's mastery of surgery. 8th ed. Fischer, J.E. Wolters Kluwer 2023 WO100||Ma640e
5 Schwartz's principles of surgery. 11th ed. Brunicardi, F.C. McGraw-Hill 2019 WO100||P930g
6 Bailey and Love's short practice of surgery. 28th ed. Williams, N.S. CRC Press 2023 WO100||R890e
7 Zollinger's atlas of surgical operations. 11th ed. E. Christopher Ellison Mcgraw-Hill 2022 WO517||Z50d
1 Miller's anesthesia. 9th ed. Miller, R.D. Elsevier 2020 WO200||A490e
2 Principles and practice of anesthesiology. 2nd ed. Longnecker, D.E. Mosby 1998 WO200||L820
1 Surgical approaches to the facial skeleton. 3rd ed. Zide, M.S. LWW 2018 WE705||E480
2 Local flaps in head and neck reconstruction. 2nd ed. Jackson, I.T. Thieme 2007 WE705||J120
3 Green's operative hand surgery. 8th ed. Wolfe, S.W. Elsevier 2022 WE830||G820b
4 Grabb and Smith's plastic surgery. 7th ed. Thorne, C.H. LWW 2014 WO600||G750e
5 Fundamental techniques of plastic surgery. 10th ed. McGregor, I. A. Churchill Livingston 2000 WO600||Ma150a
6 Plastic surgery. 5rd ed. Neligan, P.C. Elsevier 2024 WO600||P711c
1 Williams obstetrics. 26th ed. Cunningham, F.G. McGraw-Hill 2022 WQ100||W740l
1 Andrews' diseases of the skin : clinical dermatology. 13th ed. James, W.D. Elsevier 2020 WR140||A480g
2 Atlas of clinical dermatology. 4th ed. du Vivier, A. Saunders 2021 WR140||V830a
3 Habif's clinical dermatology : a color guide to diagnosis and therapy 7th ed. Habif, T.P. Mosby 2016 WR100||H110e
4 Braun-Falco's dermatology. 4th ed. Burgdorf, W.H.C. Springer 2022 WR100||B710c
5 Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine. 9th ed. Sewon Kang … McGraw-Hill 2019 WR100||D630h
6 Sauer's manual of skin diseases. 11th ed. Hall, B.J. Wolters Kluwer 2017 WR140||Sa910e
7 Rook's textbook of dermatology. 10th ed. Griffiths, C. John Wiley & Sons 2024 電子ブック
8 Lever's histopathology of the skin. 12th ed. Elder, D. E. Wolters Kluwer 2023 WR105||L570f
1 Nelson essentials of pediatrics. 9th ed. Marcdante, K.J. Elsevier 2023 WS100||N631g
2 Nelson textbook of pediatrics. 22th ed. Kliegman, R.M. Elsevier 2025 WS100||N630l
3 The Harriet Lane handbook : a manual for pediatric house officers. 23th ed. Anderson, C.C. Elsevier 2024 WS100||J260b
4 Current diagnosis and treatment, pediatrics. 25th ed. William W.H. McGraw-Hill 2020 WS141||Ke370||2020
1 Otologic surgery. 5th ed. Brackmann, D.E. Elsevier 2022 WV168||B710c
2 Schuknecht's pathology of the ear. 3rd ed. Merchant, S.N. Pmph USA 2010 WV200||Sc80
1 Walsh and Hoyt's clinical neuro-ophthalmology. 6th ed. Miller, N.R. LWW 2005 WW100||W360c
2 Ophthalmology. 4th ed. Yanoff, M. Saunders 2014 WW100||Y580.1c
3 Ocular pathology. 8th ed. Yanoff, M. Elsevier 2020 WW100||Y580f
4 Adler's physiology of the eye. 11th ed. Levin, L.A. Saunders 2011 WW103||A160g
1 Molecular biology of the cell. 7th ed. Alberts, B. Garland Science 2022 463||Mo220f
2 Molecular biology of the gene. 7th ed. Watson, J.D. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2014 467||Mo220c
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